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The Rules

If you want to roleplay with me, there are some rules and conditions that apply. They're not super tough. I'm not a stickler, I will occasionally deviate from the rules if necessary. So if you see something in the rules that worries you, just ask me if it's one of my more flexible rules. I don't bite, unless you want me to.



I play a variety of characters. Ranging from hermaphrodites, trangenders, females, and an occasional male. Depending on the sexual orientation and the gender of said character will depend on what gender that character is looking for.


Post Length


I am literate, this does not mean I write multiple paragraphs per post. There's no need for that. I prefer quality over ​quantity. Give me a good semi-paragraph post that I can work with, and I'm ok with that. I tend to semi-para to para. If I'm tired, or if my daughter is distracting me, it may be shorter.



I am not a Grammar Nazi. I will not jump all over you for slight mistakes in grammar or spelling, because guess what? We're not computers, we all make mistakes. But please, at least have some grasp on spelling and gramar. And NO text speak. Unless it's Out Of Character.



I'm fairly flexible. The only characters that are hard-line defined, are the Harry Potter Original Characters as well as the Dragon Age characters. They are already fully developed, and are not negotiable. They are who they are. They have plots that got with them. Most of the other characters are fairly flexible.



Most of my limits are hard-line. Some things I can and will bend on. Other I will not.​

© 2023 by Michelle Ryder. All rights reserved.

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